Kornati 3/3
First of all sorry for the super late 3rd part of Kornati… I was on my summer vacation and I basically ran out of writing time since I was traveling a lot 🙂 Here is the final 3rd part. So we sailed and sailed into the wilderness. The further we got from civilization the happier I got. the sea was mainly calm until we hit “open water/sea” basically that means that the sea isn’t “protected by any islands and that the wind is much stronger… So exciting…. 🙂 Well it should be but when you don’t have the “tradition” to be on a boat at all this can be a scary event.
So we sailed and sailed into the wilderness. The further we got from civilization the happier I got. the sea was mainly calm until we hit “open water/sea” basically that means that the sea isn’t “protected by any islands and that the wind is much stronger… So exciting…. 🙂 Well it should be but when you don’t have the “tradition” to be on a boat at all this can be a scary event. Since it was a windy day and the weather report was windy with 12 along the coast and 30 knots on the open sea, it kinda got rough. It was like a roller coaster. I seriously got scared even though I knew that the boat was sturdy and safe. The boat was being “thrown up and down” by the waves. My friends informed me later that we were thrown up about 2 meters with each wave that we encountered. My girlfriends, fishermen daughters, had so much fun. I couldn’t even stand on my two feet. With each new wave, my knees started to shake. I had to sit down. I didn’t get sea sick (YEAAAAAH). I just was frightened that we might tilt over. I knew where the life vests were, so I was calm.
The boat kept going up and down and I couldn’t wait for the “tour” to end. The skipper was showing us around the island Kornati. It’s beautiful. but would have been even more beautiful if it wasn’t so damn windy…
We finally headed back and once we were going with the waves it was much easier to sail. When you are going against the waves it’s a crazy ride. After that, we got to the Island Kornati.