Most Bizarre Ornate Headpiece at 2015 Met Gala.
Most Bizarre Ornate Headpiece at 2015 Met Gala On thing which you surely noticed at the Met Gala 2015, were the ornate headpieces. I wanted to show you the Most Bizarre Ornate Headpiece. If you are not interested in this, make…
Dirty Looks HK full head hair extensions review
Having short hair is a curse and a blessing at the same time. Since I got my hair cut much shorter than I wanted to I decided to get hair extensions so that I have the option to have long…
You are doing it Wrong – 7 Hair Myths
You are doing it Wrong – 7 Hair Myths You might have read my previous post You are doing it wrong – 11 makeup myth, nail myths, skincare myths, and found yourself laughing or in shock with a few of…
Summer Hair Trends 2013
Summer Hair Trends 2013 Today I am sharing a post with you that is a very summer trend. Since summer time it gets hot as hell, if you have long hair all you want to do is change up your…