Beauty News,  Chanel

CHANEL Makeup Studio Event in/u Zagreb Part 1 / Prvi dio (Limone)

         *Chanel’s Makeup Studio is closed but don’t worry, Chanel has opened up a NEW store I’ve written a post about the new Chanel Fragrance & Beauty Concept Store,make sure to read it. Chanel Makeup Studio Zagreb

CHANEL Makeup Studio Event

So, yesterday I went to the opening of Zagreb’s first  Chanel Makeup Studio in Zagreb. I got an email invite and I was excited to attend this event. Before I went to the event, I decided to meet up with a few local Beauty and Fashion bloggers. I wanted to meet my colleague blogers. I have a tradition to drink my morning tea or coffee and read Croatian bloggers, both beauty & fashion.

I made plans to meet up with Vesna, from and she made plans to meet up with other bloggers. I was happy to meet up other bloggers. Here are a few pictures of my lovely ladies.

Do have a visit to their sites and tell them I sent you (SmashinBeauty), links provided below.

CHANEL Makeup Studio Event u Zagreb

Jučer jer bilo otvorenje Chanel Makeup Studio u Zagrebu. Dobila sam pozivnicu pute emaila i bila sam uzbuđena, jer sam htjela prisustovati tom eventu.

Prije nego što sam otišla na event, odlučila sam se naći sa par lokalnim Beauty (Ljepota) i Modnim blogericama. Htjela sam upoznati kolegice blogerice. Inače svako jutro pijem si čaj ili kavicu i čitam hrvatske blogerice.

Dogovorila sam se bila sam Vesnom iz da se nađem i da odemo zajedno na taj event. On se u među vremenu dogovorila oko sastanka sa drugim blogericama. Evo par slika prije nego što smo otišli na otv0renje Chanela. Ispod svake slike imate link za njihove blogove, slobodno ih posjetite i pozdravite u moje ime: smashinbeauty.

Croatian Beauty Blogger Croatian Fashion Bloggers Croatian Fashion Bloggers

Croatian Beauty & Fashion Bloggers

Chanel Makeup studio Zagreb

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Now let’s get down to business. Chanel my true love :)) If you have anything from Chanel, you know what I am talking about. I took a few pictures before my camera died on me, I know I totally forgot to charge my camera, shame on me!

The first this I saw was, the mirrors, I asked if I could take on home! hahahaha but didn’t get lucky! The mirror is amazing the lights around it change, meaning that if you want to see how your makeup would look like in different light. You can see how different lights change the appearance of colors and textures. I played around with the different settings. Here is one of the pictures below. Me and Ana from were playing around with the settings. To be honest, I have no idea what setting we set it to but I have 3 pictures or three different settings.

________________________  HRVATSKI ___________________

Ajmo sada se fokusirati na Chanel! Moj ljubavnica ;))) hehehe. Ako imate išta od Chanel onda znate zašto volim tu marku.  Uzela sam par slika prije nego što mi je crkao fotoaparat, zaboravila sam ga napuniti! (kotrljam očima)
Prvu stvar koju sam odmah primjetila su bila ogledala! Čak sam pitala da li bi mi mogli dati jednog ;)) heheh naravno da su rekli ne! hahahahaha “a girls’ gotta try” 😉
Ogledalo je predivno stvorenje! Ima mala led svjetla okolo koja se mogu promjeniti. Svjetla možete mjenjati na različite postavke i tako možete vidjeti kako će Vaša šminka izgledati pod različitim svjetlom. Jer boje i tekstura šminke se mjenja pod različitim svjetlom.  Ja i Ana iz smo se malo igrali ogledalom. Da budem iskreno imam 3 slike i nema pojma na koju vrsta svjetla sam je postavila. &
(izgledamo ko da smo se skvarcali / looks like we got our summer tan earlier this year)

Smashinbeauty &

I think this was the one with the cloud on it , why am I so serious?! hahahah

Mislim da je svjetlo postavljeno na oblačno (oblak postavka), nemam pojma zašto sam toliko ozbiljna?! haha

And now, my favorite setting! Have no idea which one it is, but my makeup looks amazing!

I sada moja najdraža postavka!Nemam pojma koja ali mi šminka super izgleda u njoj!

Chanel Makeup Studio Mirror

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And now you know why I would have loved it if I was able to take this mirror home. Seriously, amazing!
This is the end of part 1, please stay tuned for part 2. The post would be too long if I wrote it all at once. Next time MAKEUP!

I also wrote an additional post on my makeup that I wore for the opening event, my makeup for the event.

Please have a look at my Chanel individual ombre essentielle eyeshadow swatches.

________________ HRVATSKI ___________

Sada znate zašto su mi ta ogledala predobra i zašto sam htjela barem jednog doma ponjeti.
Ovo je kraj prvog dijela o Chanelu, toliko ima za pokazati i za napisati da bi ovaj članak bio jednostavno predug da ga idem iz prve pisati. Sljedeći post je o ŠMINCI 😀

Također sam napisala članak o tomu kako sam se našminkala za Chanel otvorenje, moja šminka inspirirana Chanelom.

Možete pogledati moj članak o swatchevima od Chanel individual ombre essentielle sjenila 

Here are a few more pictures from the event. / Evo još par slika.

Crowded inside the Studio  / puno ljudi su bili unutar Chanela Makeup Studio 

Didn’t take a lot of pictures, but a lot of Croatia Celebrities did attend this event!
Nisam previše mogla slikati, zbog baterije, ali mnogo hrvatski poznatih ličnost su prisustovali eventu.

For more details on where this is located in Zagreb, Croatia please read my post about the invite from Chanel 

Za više detalja o tomu gdje se točno nalazi Chanelov Makeup Studio u Zagrebu, molim da pročitate moj članak o pozivnici na eventu.

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