How To Fuller Nude Lips Without Surgery I Does This makeup trick tip work?
Today I’m showing you a new video for my Saturday’s series. How To Fuller Nude Lips Without Surgery, Does This makeup trick tip work? So I found another makeup trick online and said, looks easy and let’s see if it works. Here are the results and if I thought it was that easy and simple to redo for everyday life.
I saw a similar tutorial on Kandee Johnsons channel a while back and tried it then. It does make a difference however hers was more along the lines of using complementary colours in light med and dark in whatever family of lipcolour you want on and using those to create the shading. i explained it REALLY badly but she does it well lol. I think this made a SLIGHT difference on you too but i think the light was maybe too stark? Thanks for sharing the yays and nays tho :0)
Yeah, it’s true, if you use complimentary colors it works, but the picture tutorial which is going around the internet shows it wrong for nude lips. 😀
this is great..i am trying it tomorow 🙂