Essence Snow White Trend Edition Nail Polish Collection 2012
Essence Snow White Trend Edition
Mirror, mirror on the wall whose the fairest of them all! … Yes, Yes it’s the new Snow White Trend Edition Nail Polish Collection 2012 from Essence Cosmetics! I can’t believe that I just found out about this collection and I believe that it won’t be worldwide. In collaboration with Disney, and disney has done quite a few makeup and nail polish collaborations lately, they present the snow white and the seven dwarves in the new Essence Snow White Trend Edition Nail Polish Collection 2012.
Essence snow white – nail polish
The nail polish “snow white” comes in a 7 ml bottle and is a little bigger than the “seven dwarves” to bring the fairytale into your cosmetics bag in true Disney style.
- 01 snow white (7 ml)
- 02 grumpy,
- 03 doc,
- 04 happy,
- 05 sneezy,
- 06 sleepy,
- 07 bashful
- 08 dopey (5 ml)
essence snow white – special effect topper
The new snow white collection offers three magical top coats giving yur nails an enchanting finish with holo effects and glitter particles effects.
- 01 evil queen,
- 02 the huntsman,
- 03 prince charming
essence snow white – nail file
The good Snow white and the Bad Evil Queen, Decide which on is more you for filing nails!
essence snow white – nail art sticker
The “snow white” nail art stickers are the crowning glory for the cute and colorful nail polishes.
- 01 heigh-ho,
- heigh-ho (1 design with 5 foils)
Bila je već ova kolekcija, sad je opet ponavljaju. A, di je sad ima za kupit?
Ja je uopće nisam vidila. Da li je bila u Mulleru ili DMu? Znam da oni imaju drugačije kolekcije.
bila je u mulleru koliko se sićan, za dm ne znan.
ma DM vrlo često preskoći 70% kolekcija..
jel ih ima u Hrvatskoj?
Nisam sigurna možda netko od drugih čitateljica zna. Koliko ja znam nije još bila u hrvatskoj
Kristina K
Čini se kao super kolekcija, a rašpica sa Snjeguljicom me posebno oduševila! 🙂
kolekcija je prekrasna nadam se da će doći u Hrvatskoj