Essie Muchi Muchi Nail Polish Review & Swatches
Essie Muchi Muchi Nail Polish Essie nail polish in muchi muchi is a beautiful creamy baby pink nail polish with a kiss of mauve. I really never write reviews about nail polishes but this shade is in one of my…
Signs you are a nail polish addict
Signs you are a nail polish addict Recently, you could have read my signs you are addicted to makeup, so in that spirit I decided to post another similar post that many will be able to associate with. Here are…
You are doing it Wrong – 7 Nail Myths
You are doing it Wrong – 7 Nail Myths You might have read my previous post You are doing it wrong – 11 makeup myths and You are doing it wrong – 7 hair myths and found yourself laughing and…
Top Tips for a Long-Lasting Manicure
Top Tips for a Long-Lasting Manicure You all know and want to admit that you hate doing your nails so that it why we all get out nails done and hope that it will last forever even though we know it…