DIY Tinted Moisturizer / Uradi sam krema u boji
Hi Ladies,
If you are like me and like to nourish your skin daily and prefer to wear tinted moisturizers, then read on!
There are many excellent tinted moisturizers on the market, but you might not find your shade, you might not like the texture or you might not like the price. The great news is that you can make a tinted moisturizer yourself! It only takes a few simple steps.
1. Your favorite moisturizer
2. Your favorite liquid foundation
STEP 1. On the back of your hand as your foundation & moisturizer
STEP 2. Mix the ingredients together until well blended
STEP 3. Apply
Your done !! CONGRATS you have just created your own tinted moisturizer.
When mixing the 2 ingredients do keep in mind a few things….
1. If you want more coverage add more foundation
2. If you want less coverage add less foundation
TIP 1. If you want a more dewier look feel free to add an a small drop of your liquid illuminator or bronzer into the mix.
TIPS 2. If you want additional coverage, add some concealer to your mix.
Note: Mixing your moisturizer with foundation might be bad for your skin because your skin might absorb more foundation and it might clog up easier. This varies from skin type to skin type. Please use this DIY idea on your own discretion.
Pozdrav dame moje,
Ukoliko ste Vi kao ja i radije preferirate, svaki dannositi, kremu u boju nego tekuči puder onda nastavite čitati ovaj članak.
Možete kupiti mnoge kreme u boju, ali ukoliko nemožete nači svoju boju ili vam se nesvida tekstura ili je preskupo ….
Imam dobre vijest za Vas!!Možete sami napraviti svoju kremu u boji.!!! Kroz par jednostavnih koraka