Les Tissages de Chanel Blushes Swatches & Review / Rumenila Recenzija i Swatchevi
Les Tissages de Chanel blushes, was inspired by classic Coco tweed. The blushes seem to have a lot of glitter but don’t be fooled. Les Tissages de Chanel su bili inspirirane od Klasičnog Coco tweed materijala. Rumenila izgledaju ko da…
Chanel Les 4 Ombres Swatches & Review / Recenzija i Swatchevi
This is a SAD PANDA post A SAD PANDA POST – is a post about products that disappointed me. Ovo je TUŽNA PANDA članak TUŽNA PANDA Članak- je članak o proizvodima koji su me razočarali. by: mongrelssister Product Description (ovo…
Chanel ombre contraste duo swatches / swatchevi
Ova sjenila su mi se jako svidjeli. Na dodiru su nježna ali nisu mekao kao Ombre Essentielle sjenila. Ispod možete vidjeti cijelu kolekciju i uzorak (swatchevi) duo sjenila Taupe – Delicat . Ukoliko želite vidjeti ostale swatcheve ili želite pročitati recenziju onda…
Chanel Ombre Essentielle Eyeshadow Swatches / sjenila za oči Uzorci
_______ ENGLISH ______ I wasn’t able to go the the beauty bloggers Chanel makeover event, since I had to go to a wedding, but I did get my swatches of my favorite products. First the eyeshadow. I love the texture…