8 Awesome Halloween Nail Art Designs 2013
Best Halloween Nail Art Designs
So I wanted to write up a short article with 8 Awesome Halloween Nail Art Designs 2013. Each Halloween not only do I make amazing and creative Halloween makeup tutorials (make sure to check them out) but I also love to share the love and make a list of the most awesome nails, hair and costume Halloween posts. Here are 8 Awesome Halloween Nail Art Designs 2013 that you CAN wear to work, a party or all week for Halloween! In no particular order, I will be showing the nail arts some of the nail arts have youtube tutorials other have picture tutorials but some have no tutorials. Make sure to ask you local nail salon or recreate a look you like if you find it to hard to recreate
8 Best Halloween Nail Art Designs 2013
If all else fails you can get these stick on nail stickers that are pretty cool and are for one night or maybe two nights. Some of the nail stickers glow in the dark. The nails stickers below are Incoco Halloween Collections nail polish appliqués