The Purge: Anarchy EXCLUSIVE Trailer #2 Makeup Tutorial 2014
The Purge Anarchy exclusive Trailer #2 I started my Halloween makeup tutorial 2014 series and the first video is The Purge Anarchy exclusive Trailer #2. This post does contain affiliate links. You might have watched last years The Purge 2013 or better said…
Venice Carnival Mask Makeup Tutorial
Today I am showing you a Venice Carnival Mask Tutorial. This mask was a collaboration with Petra Kozina, she did a lace mask tutorial so make sure to check out her tutorial too! Last year I did a black lace…
Venetian Mask Halloween Makeup Tutorial
If you read my Monday post, Halloween Makeup theme: Venetian Mask Halloween Makeup Tutorial, then you will know that this is a continuation of it. This Mask is made fully out of Halloween makeup not 3D effect. It’s basically the…
Halloween Venetian Masks Halloween Makeup Tutorial
The newest Halloween video is a bilingual and it will be my Halloween Venetian Masks Halloween Makeup Tutorial. I will be speaking in the video both English and Croatian. This Halloween I wanted to do something fun so I decided to do…