How To Choose The Perfect Blush Shade (all skin tones)
When it comes to the perfect blush shade, it always seems to be that next one on the shelf. If you ever wanted to know how to choose the perfect blush shade without struggling and going through all those pricy…
How to create your own unique lipstick shade
How to create your own unique lipstick shade Today I wanted to do another interesting tutorial on “How to create your own unique lipstick shade”. I wanted to show you how I created this unique purple metallic pink lip colour and I…
Kako odredite podton kože?
Kako odredite podton kože Da li i dalje pitate kako odrediti podton kože? Da li se pitate kako odrediti boju puder? Da li znate kako prepoznati Vaš podton kože? Ako neznate onda danas ću Vam ja pomoći da Vaš podton…
Many Ways to Use Illamasqua’s Cream Pigments & Review / Swatches
Everyone asked me on facebook to write a makeup review & swatch of my Illamasqua Cream Pigments collection, so I decided to do that plus in addition to this write Many Ways to Use Illamasqua’s Cream Pigments. I am in love with Illamasqua’s Cream Pigments, why?…