Beauty & Makeup Tips for A Quick Fix
Here are a few makeup and beauty tips for a quick everyday makeup fix. I will be listing the most useful tips which you can use everday and only a few seconds or minutes are required. 1. Whiter Teeth If…
Beauty Tricks With Baby Powder
Even though it can be very helpful at times, getting advice from other people is generally not well received. We all like to think that we know everything already and that our way is the best way. This can be…
Beauty tricks for brighter skin
As most of us start to feel the winter blues just at the same moment when the sun sets behind the horizon, the dermatologists advise us to put back the smile on our faces as winter time is the best…
Oscars 2013 Red Carpet Top Pick Beauty
Oscars 2013 Red Carpet Top Pick Beauty Last night’s Oscars red carpet event was solid, you might have already read my best dressed and worst dresses list. If you haven’t click away to see my top picks and worst dresses picks for the Oscars 2013.…