Signs you are a nail polish addict
Signs you are a nail polish addict
Recently, you could have read my signs you are addicted to makeup, so in that spirit I decided to post another similar post that many will be able to associate with. Here are a few signs that you are a nail addict, and no I don’t mean nails for hammering but nail polishes.
1. When someone close tells you, you need to stop buying nail polish
2. You got time for that, unlike everyone else
3. You nail art designs have improved dramatically
4. You automatically notice all the varnishes
5. Your friends ask you what you want for Christmas..
6. Your nail brakes
7. You’re willing to try anything to save that nail
8. just to avoid having your nails look like this
9. When someone mentions 50 shades of gray, you get very excited
10. There are no two alike nail polish shades
11. You try hard to not buy nail polishes
12. Why you fail your no-buy challenges
13. What you wish your boyfriend would say
14. You take NO risks when going to your local nail salon
15. When you recommend a base, your friends think you’re talking about music
16. Nightmares happen even when you are awake
17. You and your nail blogger friends
18. your nail polish collection is under control sorted by brand and color, nothing to worry about
Ana Petrovic
evo ne mogu da odlucim da li je genijalnije za sminku ili za lakove! ali rajan gosling… da, zelim da mi decko to kaze, ali to se nikad ne desi 😀
hahahhahahhah vjeruj i ja čekam muža da mi kaže, draga ajmo da ti kupimo cijelu novu kolekciju od MAC-a… u stvarnosti kaže.. isuse ti bože ar ti treba 100ti crveni ruž… LMFAO
Ana Petrovic
hahaha ili – takav ISTI vec imas, sta ce ti jos jedan. nije isti, ”skrooooz” je razlicita nijansa 😀
ahahahhaha 😀