Seven Deadly Beauty Sins
Today’s video is another tag question video that I wanted to have fun with. The seven deadly beauty sins. I saw this going viral on youtube and wanted to participate since the questions sounded fun and I thought to myself, why not! So here goes nothing! I hope that you enjoy it & make sure to answer my question I asked at the end of the 7 deadly beauty sins video.
Here are the questions for the 7 deadly beauty sins:
GREED:What is your cheapest and what is your most expensive beauty product?
WRATH: Product you have a love/hate relationship and what product is hardest to find?
GLUTTONY: What is your most delicious product?
SLOTH: What products do you neglect due to laziness?
PRIDE: What product gives you the most confidence?
LUST: Attributes you find attractive in the opposite sex?
ENVY: What product would you most like to receive as a gift?
So, I tag all you to do this tag! You know you want to!