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Random mini rant : MAC SHOP

Basically I went shopping in Budapest and had no idea that they had a MAC store in the shopping mall.
I was super happy and I had money on me and I was ready to finally buy a brush, compact powder, concealer and foundation…. BUT…..
I never had a worser experience in my life (in a beauty store)…. OMG I am so writing a complaint letter. The saleswomen were:
1.  cold and extremely unhelpful.
2. one didn’t know English at all
3. The other one spoken English but had NO CLUE ABOUT MAKEUP!!!!! OMG

I asked the salesperson about the concealers she was CLUELESS. She was giving me NC makeup instead of NW. Since I’m a neutral undertone. She gave me everything that made me look yellow, and naturally I ten to be pail – golden color (depending on how tan I am)
I gave up and got myself a NW25 concealer after testing it under horrific lighting for 30 mins.
I wanted to buy the MAC 239 brush and a compact powder but I gave up since the sales woman was clueless… it totally killed my experience

I also started to look for a pressed bolt powder for a friend but of course the salesperson that spoke English had no idea again…
Soooo Soooo SAD
Now I am waiting to go to London or the US to go to a mac store… since this experience was a killer.

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