Poll Sunday: Do you keep an inventory of your makeup products?
[polldaddy poll=6261183]
Last week’s poll question & results:
How often do you use eye creams?
36% – When I remember
27,27% – Multiple times a day
18,18% – Daily
9,09% – Few times a week
9,09% – Other
I probably should…i’m a list person so it’s the kind of thing i’d usually do!! come to think of it!…off i got to make a list! hee hee
I agree with Rachel! However I do keep track of my nail polish since my collection is quite large! It helps to prevent repeat purchases of the same shade.
I agree with you! I keep a track so I don’t buy doubles and know when what expires to toss it out.
Its too much hassle keeping an inventory, plus I’d feel guilty with all the makeup I’ve bought and hardly ever use
It is a hassle to be honest 😉