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MTV documentary Lady Gaga Inside The Outside Makeup / dokumentarac šminka


A few days ago I watch a interview/ biography of Lady Gaga. The show was called Inside the outside. Where Lady Gaga came and was interviewed by a MTV news-reporter about her life and how she got to where she is today.

Prije Par dana, gledala sam show gdje je Lady Gaga govorila o svom životu. Show se zvao Inside the Outside. Pričala je o svom životu i kako je dostigla tu svijetsku slavu koju danas ima.

I recently started listening to Lady Gaga due to her song “Born this way”. I think she is an amazing artist that has the luck to be able to work with an amazing team that helps her achieve her artistic wants and needs. I liked her make on the who and decided to give it a go and recreate the eye makeup.
Please keep in mind that every recreation is not 100% like the original. I like to leave my own “beauty” in it.

Tek nedavno sam počela slušati Lady Gagu zbog njene pjesme “Born this way”. Osobno mislim da je žena nevjerovatno glazbeno talentirana kojoj se posrećilo da ima ljude oko sebe koji joj omogućavaju da se umjetnički može izraziti kako god to ona željela ili htjela. Jako mi se svidila njena šminka tako da sam je odlučila sama rekreirati. Uzmite u obzir da sve rekreacije koje radim, nisu 100% identični orginalu. Uvijek šminku adaptiram sebi tako da imam malo moje ljepote u toj šminci.

Makeup Used / šminka korištena: 
Cheap ebay lashes (no name) / Jeftine ebay umjetne trepavice (bez imena)
Eylure – tokyo lashes / trepavice
ELF cream eyeliner / crni kremasti eyeliner
88 coastal scents eyeshadow palette / paleta sa sjenilima
NYX hot red lipliner
Grafotbian – Red (#88217)


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