Makeup Review: Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer Swatches
Essence just released a new product: Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer and I tested for my makeup review it right away. I have high hopes for this one. I really wanted to know what it would be like since I personally love cream concealers. For a daily use, I love concealing my under eye bag and/or dark circles, even though they are not as noticeable as one might think. I cover my acne with my foundation and avoid full coverage makeup on a daily base. Now when it comes to this concealer it comes in only one shade, yes you read it correct one shade. The shade is medium beige/light. I was very skeptical on how one shade would fit most skin shades. After testing it I can confirm that the light shade is perfect for fair – light skin tones, while medium beige is good from light – medium skin.
Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer
Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer claims to have high coverage power to cover skin imperfections and dark circles. With the two shades you can perfect conceal anything and it will match your skin tone. When putting the concealer to the test I can cofirm that the coverage is not high coverage but it is medium coverage. I didn’t try to build the consistency to be honest. The pigmentation is ok, why only ok? Well it works great with covering my dark circles (not very dark) but it doesn’t really do magic with concealing dark spots and imperfections on the skin. So it covers under eye bag better than acne spots.
Makeup Review Pros / Cons Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer
The texture of the concealer at first looks very soft but in reality is quite dry. This is a plus and a minus. It’s a plus if you have more oilier skin and a minus if you have very dry skin. Also you won’t scoop out more product than you planned since it has a drier texture. My under eye area is a bit dry and I wanted to see how it would look and react on my under eye area. On one eye, I applied the lightest shade and on the other eye I mixed the darker and lighter shade. Even though it was a drier texture I was able to spread the concealer on my entire under eye area with ease since with my fingers heated up the product what helped it spread like butter. The concealer has a matte finish. I concealed one eye with a setting powder and the other eye without a setting powder. The eye with the setting powder didn’t crease while the other eye creased a bit what is expected with cream concealers but to my surprise didn’t crease as much as I expected it to. This was a god surprise for my makeup review test of Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer.
Makeup Review Conclusion: Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer
To conclude this makeup review of Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer, I would like to say for the price that it costs it’s a really good under eye concealer and I do believe as an under eye concealer it will suit most skin types. However, the coverage power for spots is not the best. The lasting power is around 9 hours, what is fine for most day makeup. Essence Match 2 Cover Cream Concealer is ok, but I expected a bit more from a cream concealer. Honestly I will not be repurchasing this since I found that their are better drugstore concealers out there. On the other hand for some of you that are on a very tight budget you could try this one if you want to just conceal dark under eye bags since it did the job well.
- price
- texture
- durability (9 hr max)
- coverage power for dark under eye bags
- packaging
- doesn’t crease when set
- discolouration
- doesn’t clump
- blends well with fingers
- doesn’t cover acne as well as it should
- pigmentation is ok
- contains 2.3 grams
- creases a little without setting powder
*bought with my own money
I need a really good quality cover… so I’m willing to pay a little more ♡
For what purpose? Acne, dark circle…etc?
essence i njihovi puderi i korektori me baš ne oduševljavaju 🙁 iako se uvijek dobro zabuljim u policu da snimim što nam je to essence novog izbacio. ali ja takvu muku mučim sa podočnjacima da jednostavno imam predrasudbe da mi ovaj proizvod ne bi bio dovoljan.
meni je bio dobar za moje podočnjake ali to ne znači da će svima odgovarati 🙂 Imali su bolje korektore prije i onda su ih povukli.. neznam zašto
nisam ga probala ali sam ga gledala nekoliko puta po dmu… ali mislim da ga za sad preskacem jer sam nabavila artdeco camouflage cream 🙂
sigurna sam da Artdeco je bolji od ovoga 😉
Maja B
I could give this product a try, since I have dark circles under my eyes
Mine dark circles are quite light to be honest, but I do believe they will cover darker circles
Bas ga koristim u zadnje vrijeme, dobar mi je za podocnjake, ali mislim da mi je komedogen na ostatku lica 🙁 tako da definitivno iduci put kupujem nesto drugo
Meni osim podočnjaka ništa drugo dobro ne prekriva 🙁 Imali su prije onda dobar proizvod (budem o njemu pisala) i sada nemaju ga nigdje.