makeup and beauty awards 2012 PART 2
Now to continue my makeup and beauty awards for 2012 PART 2. I stopped the video last time without mentioning my last favorite blush so that is where the video continues this time around. I wanted to continue to share a few beauty and makeup products that left a really good impression on my throughout the entire 2012. These are products that I personally loved and thought they were worth the mention. If you disagree please feel free to leave a comment below. Also I would love to read what products have you loved this year? In this video today, which is noticeably shorter I used a new editing program from a friend, which yet again you might have noticed at the beginning of the video. So, to stay on track and stop detouring like I commonly do in each post, hey ! can’t help it! If you haven’t seen PART 1 make sure to click here and watch my makeup & beauty awards for 2012 PART 1 before watching PART 2 since it will make more sense.
Makeup and Beauty Awards for 2012
This video, makeup & beauty awards 2012 part 2. I have already released PART 1 on Tuesday so make sure to check it out! Two parts were made because the video was just way to long and I was forced to do 2 videos. I wanted to mention that in this video I will be talking about blush (the continued version), mascara (my HG mascara), fake lashes, nail polish (that I do not wear as often as one might believe), eye pencils and eye liners, lipsticks high-end to drugstore lipsticks, lip-stains and why I love them, perfume just because I was really impressed with this one, glitter (got it for 1 BP), eye shadows and which ones really kicked the ass of everyone else and a surprise products to end the show with. The list of products mentioned will be listed below.
Makeup & Beauty Awards 2012 Product List
Leave a comment below with your most loved similar products of 2012! What products should I check out?
Blush (continued)
Eye Liners / Eye Pencils
- NYX jumbo eye pencils
- Bourjois ultra black pencl
- Soap & Glory – thick & fast
Fake Lashes
- Illamasqua #14
- Eyelure – Katy Perry Collection
- Eyelure – Hed Kandi Collection
Setting Powder
- Ben Nye setting powder
Nail Polish
- Models Own – Hed Kandi Collection
- Misslyn – Nude Collection
- Primark Glitter Palette
Eye Shadow
Surprise items
- Check video 😉
Savrseno zvucis na engleskom, ne znam zasto mi se prije nije nikad dalo gledat video kad sam skontala da je na engleskom. Idem sad nadoknadit! 😀
🙂 Nadam se da će ti se sviditi
jos jedan super video 🙂 volela bih da probam ben nye puder 🙂
maramice su preslatke 😀
maramice su preslatke i super ugodne! 🙂 A Ben Nye stvarno toplo preporučujem! Izvrsan je!