MAC Prep and Prime Fix+
MAC Fix+ is a product that everyone and their mother knows, so this makeup review is kind of necessary but not really necessary. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this product after using up the entire bottle. I am not sure but some products when they are used up can be returned to MAC so that you can see a refund of something in return. For all that kind of information, please contact MAC or go to their official website. What all of you newbies to makeup want to know is, is MAC fix+ really worth the hype? Let’s find out.
is MAC fix+ really worth the hype?
MAC fix+ is a vitamin and mineral spray that is used by some makeup artist as a finishing spray. Officially the MAC fix+ is a skin refresher and a finishing mist. MAC claims that is a soothing moisture mist that is used to refresh the skin and finish up your makeup look. You can use this mist spray before or after makeup. What is it really used for? Many things! I have used it to finish my makeup and to apply some MAC pigments. For some, this is a holy grail for others; it’s not even worth it.
MAC Prep and Prime Fix+ review
When it comes to MAC Prep and Prime Fix+ review, I like to use it as a primer if I run out of primer, because it contains glycerin and makeup sticks well to glycerin. If you want to use it as a fixing spray, after your makeup, it helps prolong the makeup a bit longer, but nothing like a real setting or fixing spray. I do like to use it with loose pigments since it does help the makeup stick longer to the eyelids. You can also use it to damp your beauty blender. I have used up the whole bottle and will not be repurchasing it again. I find that I have many other individual products that do the same job but better. I hold on to the bottle since you can remove the top and refill it with any liquid product of your choice what is great if you are bought a bigger bottle of any other liquid.
MAC Prep and Prime Fix+ review summary
Overall, to summarise this makeup review of MAC Prep and Prime Fix+ is good for everyday use, but I don’t really think I will be using it in my PRO kit.