Jojoba oil is a non-comedogenic oil that can moisturize, cleanse, and treat the skin without clogging the pores or irritating the skin. It is extracted from the jojoba bush, a native to the southwestern United States. Because jojoba oil is non-irritating, it can be used safely around the eyes and nose without causing any inflammation or damage. Jojoba oil can be purchased from health food stores or essential oil suppliers.
Jojoba oil & Skin Care Routine for Acne Prone Skin
I would like to thank my friend T for introducing me to jojoba oil, no matter what happens to my skin it’s worth the try. Acne and severe white/black heads is a horrible way of skin life. I decided to introduce my skin to jojoba oil. I have heard many good things about it on acne related sites. Since I have: combination to oily skin with dry patches prone to acne due to severe white heads (on specific areas). I have used it on my hand and I must admit it did wonders.
My weekly jojoba oil skin care routine
So here is my weekly skin care routine with jojoba oil. I hope it helps. I will keep a journal down below that I will update with the results.
1. wash face with oil free face wash
2. on damp face apply: (mix together) 1 drop Alverde serum + 1 drop golden jojoba oil
3. gently rub into face in downward motion
4. let it set for a minute max two
5. take a paper cloth and pat excessive oils off
(*5 if skin feels oily wash, with luke warm water only, oils off the skin and stick to that regime for 7 days)
6. apply normal facial cream Uriage
7. hope that I don’t breakout in the morning
When using jojoba oil on combination, oily and/or acne prone skin, it’s quite a hit or miss. let’s hope it’s a hit for me 😀 I will do a daily update but not with pictures. Ok today I was at the cosmetologist on a deep cleaning so my skin should react to jojoba oil over night.
Day 1. (night routine)
Mixed my serum (one drop) & golden jojoba oil (one drop) on clean and damp skin. After a few minutes I applied my normal Uriage face cream
Day 1 observation
In the morning my skin was glowy instead of oily. Since I did go on my normal monthly deep facial cleansing I usually break out after the treatment. The next morning I have a super mini zit on my chin
Day 2. (Morning routine)
wash face on damp skin apply serum wait 30 seconds (1drop). apply golden jojoba oil (1drop). wait for a minute or three and apply face cream
Day 2 observation
since it’s very hard for me to say that the 3 cyst acnes that popped up are a result of the jojoba oil. I will just note them and not point my finger at the jojoba oil since it did regulate my skin. I strongly believe that (it’s common for my skin) my skin broke out due to post deep cleaning after my appointment at the cosmetologist. This is very common for my skin. but just for research I will note that they are present. I will not put any jojoba oil on my skin tonight since I had it on all morning and half of the day and this might have speeded up the out break of my cyst acne. I noticed that my skin disliked the jojoba oil on it during the day. this has been noted and I will from tomorrow put it on only for intense night care.
Day 3. Summary
I haven’t been using the jojoba oil other then on my dry patches and forehead and it has rejuvenated my skin. I have avoided applying it on my entire face since my skin is still recovering from my deep cleaning experience. I will continue to use jojoba on my forehead and dry patched for now. On the other hand, my hands are sooo smooth and normal. I use 3-4 drops on my hands. They aren’t super dry anymore and combining my normal L’orrecitane hand cream and jojoba oil is a winning situation!!!
Day 5. Summary
I decided to use it only on my forehead and dry patches one drop mixed with serum so far skin has been handling this better then expected. I did breakout on my other areas so I stopped using the jojoba oil on my most critical areas / or better said on my breakout zones and just stick to my normal routine. I will soon be implementing liquid vitamin E.
What to know what Jojoba oil is? Read on here!