Health,  Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 week 2

work it real good

Jillian Michaels week 2 was probably harder than I expected to be honest. I started day one totally confused about the moves. I felt as if I were working out for the first time ever. Day two was a bit easier since I figured out the moves already. The over all workouts are very exhausting and you need to be in very good shape to survive week 2. There are a few things that I would like to mention from the whole workouts. I started to workout on Thursday, that was day 1 and day 2 was on Friday. I took a day of rest on Saturday since I have a hard time motivating myself to workout. I usually see Saturday as lazy day 😀 I continued my workout on Sunday what would be day 3 in the workout program.

Day 3 Sunday

Day 1 and 2 were basically learning how to do each move without pulling my muscles or without breaking something. I was trying to do some more advanced moves during day 3 but this resulting in me almost spraining a muscle. Even thou, I felt as if my muscle was on the verge of collapse, I continued to work out but focused on beginner or better said easier moves not to over work my muscles. I decided to take a break and continue my workout the next day. Just to take precaution to avoid damaging any muscles.

Day 4 Tuesday

Monday was my resting day. Tuesday was Day 4, I did a mayor mistake that almost resulted in me spraining my wrist. As I wrote in my Jillian Michaels week 1 review, I added an additional warm-up and stretching workout just as a precaution to avoid spraining my muscles or worse. On day 4, I did my warm-up but I didn’t do the Jillian Michaels warm up, meaning that instead of a 15 minute warm-up I just did a 10 minute warm-up. After that I continued with my workout and for some reason that day I decided to be lazy so I didn’t do my full 15 minute of stretching. Bad choice! My wrist got harmed. My right wrist had some pain that night and was making some weird cracking noises when I moved it. The following day my whole body was making these weird “cracking sounds” in short my joints were “cracking”. I remembered what Zuzana light said once that if you sprained your muscles you want to move your body to avoid getting stiff. I decided that I would skip the workout on Wednesday and continue on Thursday.

Day 5 Thursday

Thursday was suppose to be my first day of week 3 but due to a few bad choices I had to take a break 3 times last week. What meant that I was behind on my schedule. I wasn’t to thrilled about this, I wish I didn’t skip Monday. Day 5 my body was stiff, so I did my usual warm-up and cool down and after the cool down I did some additional very simple, very beginner aerobics to get my muscles warmed up and flexible. This resulted in my body going back to “before stiff and cracking era”. I finally completed my workout and I decided that I would continue week 3 on Saturday and rest on Friday.

Summary of week 2

I forgot to mention that because of the well now 4 days of relaxing, my body felt the pauses in between each day and this resulted in me tormenting myself each time I restarted the workouts. Comparing to week 1, I think that week 1 was easier and more motivating but week 2 wasn’t as hard as it seemed but it was harder due to me taking frequent breaks all week long. I think that if I did 5 days in a row I would have adapted to week 2 quicker and it wouldn’t have been so hard. One thing to mention is that week 2 puts a lot of strain on your wrists, ankles and knees. You will be doing those horrific plank poses that will drive you crazy. I mean my wrists were in constant strain and one wrong pose and BAM! goodbye wrist(s). Be very very careful and do take your time with each move. I have read from a few blogs that people were seriously spraining their muscles and wrists in week 2 and this almost happened to me.

Week 3 starts tomorrow…. wish me good luck!


  • Ivana

    I just bought two Jillian Michaels DVDs, 30 Day Shred and Fast Metabolism (or something like that), and I can’t wait to start, I really want to see some results, but I’m also scared, I hope my motivation will stay high 🙂

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