• Travel

    Caught in rain

    Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet consectetu ocilng elit. Donec eros aseb dui, suscipit ex uti commodo dignis justo acas turpis egestas. Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus emalesuada fames ac…

  • Travel

    Things to see and do in Zadar

    Things to see and do in Zadar Today I am writing about things to see and do in Zadar. Most of my summer holidays have been spent in Zadar, so I have seen everything this place has to offer and…

  • Travel

    3 days in San Francisco, CA TRAVEL GUIDE

    Going to San Francisco? Here is my travel guide, what to do in San Francisco for 3 days. Hope it helps, more information about certain things soon. DAY ONE  Day one, if you arrive in the late afternoon, you will want to get…