
30 Day Workout Challenge


You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program as well as making any nutritional changes in order to determine if it is right for your needs. Statements on this blog should not be taken as medical or fitness advice. I am not a registered dietician nor am I certified in any type of fitness or personal training.  Statements appearing on this site have not been evaluated by any worldwide Food and Drug Administration. The expressions and opinions of this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician or health care professional before starting any health and wellness program.


With having a clear disclaimer stated, let me tell you how it all started. I was inspired by the controversial MARIA KANG. I saw her controversy online, started following your facebook page and found out that woman is on to something. I love her passion for a healthy life and determination. As many of you know workout on a regular base can get BORING and people lose interest. I have been working out on and off since I have been 17 and have found out that I get bored fast and easily if I repeat the same things over and over. This is why I hate workout in groups, it’s repetitive and dull to the core.

A woman’s body is always changing with age. When you pass 30, you need superman discipline and a healthy diet to stay in shape, what was a joke when you were a teen and in your 20s. This is how a mom of 3 got to me, her determination and no excuse policy. I told myself; if she can do it, so can I damn it! I decided to research how she started it all. I found her very helpful blog post living a non excuse lifestyle. I read through it and agreed with the entire post. I also saw a way to workout everyday or at least 4 times a week without getting bored out of my skull. To avoid quoting everything that Maria wrote here is the most important key ingredients, at least for me:

There are 3 components we will focus on:

  1. Strength
    Muscle building = sculpting a toned physique. It speeds up your metabolism, increases flexibility and protects bones.
  2. Cardio
    Cardio = challenge your heart and the blood and oxygen. It increases circulation, boosts endurance and burns fat.
  3. Flexibility
    Flexibility = helps prevent physical pain, loss of balance and risk of injury.

You can read more in her blog post (link above) to see what and how well she wrote that post. I know that a few of my fans might not be too fond of her, but I love her motivation, it works for me, mentally!

Ok, so here is my plan. I plan to make a 30 day workout challenge where I will focus on different body parts everyday. I will also have off days (Sun and Sat) just to not over force myself the first 30 days so that I will have the will to continue after that. I will also gradually build the tempo and level of intensity with each 2 – 3 weeks. I will be able to determine where I am after each workout.

Where I am currently: 

  1. I love working out
  2. I hate running but love cycling (I usually can hit 20 kilometers in one day)
  3. I love working out at home if gives me the comfort to do it at my convenience
  4. I eat a relatively good diet, which consists of home cooked organic meals and some chocolate and from time to time some yummy chips.
  5. I am trying to wake up around 6 am (totally a morning person, can you tell) but 7 am is more realistic.
  6. I love and hate cooking
  7. I am determined when I am 100% ready to do something
  8. I drink 2,5 l of water per day (+ 1 coffee per day)

What I want: 

  1. to lose 3 – 5 kilos
  2. to tone and sculpt my entire body but especially my behind.
  3. get a nice toned tummy
  4. be flexible
image: Maria Kang

Program Rules:

  1. Workout in the morning (You burn more calories).
  2. Wait 2 hours to workout after you had a meal or a snack.
  3. Drink 2 – 3 L of pure water per day (the minimum is 1,5 liters, the amount depends on your body type and health).
  4. Only 1 coffee per day is allowed, preferably with unsweetened almond milk.
  5. Eat breakfast every morning, after your workout if possible.
  6. Workout 4 – 5 times a week (Mon – Fri, weekends are off Sat/Sun)
  7. Do not eat anything 4 hours before you go to bed. In  worst case, if you are really hungry, grapes and watermelon are OK.
  8. Keep a diary of what you eat.
  9. Eat 3 – 5 small super healthy meals  throughout the day. (I’m gluten free) 3 proper meals + 2 snacks.
  10. Measure yourself ONLY once a monthly (take pictures as a diary of progress, or skip the measuring and just enjoy the trip).
  11. Make a monthly calendar with motivation and a program


IT IS CRUCIAL, that you do EACH move / exercises the CORRECT WAY or you WILL cause your body HARM. If you are new to this whole workout at home, it might be best to first work with a personal trainer to teach you how to do each exercise the CORRECT WAY. I cannot stress this enough! Doing the exercise the wrong way, will bring you NO RESULTS and you will harm yourself. I do recommend that you look up each of the ( picture or video )workouts which I recommend and learn how to do them the correct way. 

Week 1 

Day 1 

10 minute warm up and stretch

30 min Low impact workout (skip the cool down)

10 min Butt and thighs

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

12 min cool down and stretch

Day 2 

10 minute warm up and stretch

30 min full body workout no gear

8 min Toning Lower Back 

9 min Upper Body Workout without Weights 

9 min Tank Top Arms 

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine

Day 3

10 minute warm up and stretch

30 min Low impact workout (skip the cool down)

10 min Butt and thighs

12 minute Thigh Exercises For Losing Fat

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine

Day 4 

– Why did I add cardio? It’s good to always do some cardio before strength workouts.

10 minute warm up and stretch

5 min Denise Austin Cardio Warm Up

30 min full body workout no gear

10 min Sexy Back

12 min Love Handles

8 min Victoria’s Secret arms

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine

Day 5 

10 minute warm up and stretch

30 min Low impact workout (skip the cool down)

13 min Victoria’s Secrets Butt

12 minute Thigh Exercises For Losing Fat

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


Week 2


5 min warm up

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio

8 min Legs and Butt Workout: Thigh Thinner

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

12 minute Thigh Exercises For Losing Fat

10 min lower abs workout

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio Latin Dance Workout

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


5 minute warm up and stretch

5 min Denise Austin Cardio Warm Up

30 min full body workout no gear

10 min Sexy Back

8 min Victoria’s Secret arms

11 min Chest and Back Workout

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio Latin Dance Workout

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


5 min warm up

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio

15 minute total body workout (beginner)

10 min Thigh Burner: How To Lose Fat In Your Thighs

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

8 min VS arms

8 min Legs and Butt Workout: Thigh Thinner

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio Latin Dance Workout

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


5 minute warm up and stretch

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio

12 min Love Handles

13 min Victoria’s Secrets Butt

8 min 9 Exercises For Toned Arms

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio Latin Dance Workout

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


5 min warm up

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio

8 min Legs and Butt Workout: Thigh Thinner

9 min abs blast (Abs beginner)

12 minute Thigh Exercises For Losing Fat

10 min lower abs workout

10 min Denise Austin Fat-Burning Cardio Latin Dance Workout

18 min Cool Down: Stretching Routine


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